My Mates

My Mates


My Mates

Fab fab fab Mates

Nia Visser - Nia is so funny, and just cracks me up everytime I see her. Although that isn't too often I wish it was more. Unfortuantly she lives in Chorley Wood so we don't see each other much, but when I do see her, it's worth the weeks wait! We have shared many 'fun' moments, putting on huge wigs, singing as loud as we can just for fun and being general pratts!!

Rhiannon Jones - Rhiannon is so loveable. She loves laughing and generally singing to herself, she probally doesn't think i notice, but she does it everyday! Bless her. If it helps Rhiannon the singing has my compliments. Rhiannon's one wish is to be happy all the time, which probally will never come true, but we all have dreams!

Charlotte Horscroft - Me and Charlotte Horscroft have been mates since we were 5. We sorta hated each other for the first few days/weeks of her living in our street, but in the end we know everything about each other and are with each other all the time at home, she lives across the road from me. We don't see much of each other at school, but it doesn't matter to us because we never went to the same school before we both started 'emel. Her family is like a second family to me, and shes at my house more than shes at her own!

Emma Chafer - Emma is like a person with 2 entirely different personalities. When shes with me shes 'woah, in ur face hyper!' but when shes with other ppl and new people shes shy and goes bright red like anything! But i luv her to bits and hope we will be mates forever.

Master T.J Clarkson, otherwise known as, Arsey. - Tom is very amusing, calls me Marie Me Nott, simply because of a convosation we had on msn a bit ago. He became very excited when i asked him if he wanted to be put on here, he told me he was suprised he wasn't wetting himself. He's the best mate of my sisters 'long lost love' (but she has a b/f now!) and is in the 'Blue Brothers' band they have. He's hilarious. That is all......

Sophie McCallam - Me and Sophie have been mates for ages, I have loads of pictures of sophie posing for the camera, but in very worring ways, for example, there is one of her flirting with the netball post:S Me and Sophie have always been completly open with each other, we used to make up dances to steps with Charlotte, since we all live on the same road, we used to play families in the street, with my sister and her sister, helen, we will always have those memories since they happened every summer when we were little.

Alice Bentley - Me and Alice went to primary school together, she's really funny, I don't see her much anymore but luv her all the same! Her hobbies include.......getting pissed and puking up over her friends roof. She has a tendensee to be sick everywhere, and once when we were lil, we were in our rollerskates and alice wet herself, she then rolled through it and her mum said, 'GO CHANGE YOUR TIGHTS' to us, that is hilarious, but you had to be there!

Natasha Burke - I've known Tash for donkeys years, and after primary school came secondary school and after about 6 years were still walking to school together. I love her because shes so sarcastic!

Georgina Taylor - Your finally on Georgina, after about 3 months of asking why you weren't. Here you go! Georgina is 'crip' theres alwas something wrong with her foot and you have to wait for her all the time, but we love her all the same!

Charlie Hicks - Charlie is one of my good mates and after many many many insulting arguments we have had we came out for the better. I will never forget that night at 'The Woman in Black' Thanks for being my shoulder to hide and scream on!

Jabez Rickard - He admits to being a good dresser, is really sarcastic and is hated by Mr Jones, but he's a great mate nad has always been there for me and is always avalible to go out with!!!! He's pretty cool, cheers!

Amy Knight - Amy is the sister of apu nahusapinapetalon, she is allergic to cheese, hung up on blokes, she loves pharrell and likes to have images of Jabez in a Tutu....apart from that and all the strange dancing she does shes a normal girl.....

Claire Welberry - Barmy. That is it! She is total nutters and you wouldn't expect it from her at all. Claire you lovely we luvya loads!

Sam Tucker - We don't talk much anymore which is so silly but our memories will live on. (The theatre :S)

Helena Oliver- Singelton - Hmmmmmm. Watch breaking kid, how many is it now since year 7, 4? Here's a tip, get a watch, don't wear it and it won't break. I will never forget that first summer at Carly's where you were pretending to be that flipping shark in the pool!